Solving the Spring Boot OAuth2 Redirect Loop: A Comprehensive Guide
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Solving the Spring Boot OAuth2 Redirect Loop: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the infamous “Spring Boot OAuth2 is redirecting to IDP on each unauthorized request” issue? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the root cause of this problem and provide a step-by-step solution to get your OAuth2 implementation back on track.

What’s causing the redirect loop?

To understand the solution, we first need to understand the problem. When a user makes an unauthorized request to a protected resource, the OAuth2 filter kicks in and redirects the user to the Identity Provider (IDP) for authentication. Sounds good, right? However, if the user is already authenticated, the OAuth2 filter should skip the redirect and allow the request to proceed. But, what if it doesn’t?

The redirect loop occurs when the OAuth2 filter incorrectly identifies the user as unauthorized, causing the redirect to the IDP to happen repeatedly. This can be due to various reasons, including:

  • Incorrect OAuth2 configuration
  • Missing or invalid access tokens
  • Misconfigured security contexts
  • Inconsistent session management

Spring Boot OAuth2 Configuration

Let’s start by reviewing the Spring Boot OAuth2 configuration. In your file, you should have the following properties set:

            client-id: your-client-id
            client-secret: your-client-secret
            authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
            redirect-uri-template: '{baseUrl}/{action}/oauth2/code/{registrationId}'

Make sure to replace the placeholders with your actual IDP credentials and endpoints.

OAuth2 Filter Configuration

The OAuth2 filter is responsible for handling authentication and authorization. In your Spring Boot application, you need to configure the filter to use the correct security context:

public class OAuth2FilterConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
  private String clientId;
  private String clientSecret;
  protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
      .oauth2AuthorizedGrantTypes("authorization_code", "refresh_token")
      .oauth2AuthenticationManager(new CustomOAuth2AuthenticationManager());

Note the custom `OAuth2AuthenticationManager` implementation, which we’ll cover later.

Custom OAuth2AuthenticationManager

The `OAuth2AuthenticationManager` is responsible for authenticating the user and generating the access token. In our custom implementation, we’ll add a check to prevent the redirect loop:

public class CustomOAuth2AuthenticationManager extends OAuth2AuthenticationManager {
  public void authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
    OAuth2AuthenticationToken token = (OAuth2AuthenticationToken) authentication;
    OAuth2AuthorizedGrantTypes authorizedGrantTypes = token.getAuthorizedGrantTypes();
    if (authorizedGrantTypes.contains("authorization_code")) {
      // Check if the user is already authenticated
      Authentication existingAuth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
      if (existingAuth != null && existingAuth.isAuthenticated()) {
        // Skip the redirect and allow the request to proceed
    // Proceed with the authentication flow

This implementation checks if the user is already authenticated before initiating the authentication flow. If the user is authenticated, it skips the redirect and allows the request to proceed.

Session Management

Another crucial aspect of OAuth2 implementation is session management. You need to ensure that the user’s session is properly maintained throughout the authentication flow:

public class SessionConfig {
  public HttpSessionStrategy sessionStrategy() {
    return new HeaderHttpSessionStrategy();

This configuration sets the session strategy to use the `HeaderHttpSessionStrategy`, which stores the session in a cookie.

Security Context

The security context is responsible for storing the user’s authentication information. You need to configure the security context to use the correct authentication provider:

public class SecurityContextConfig {
  public SecurityContextRepository securityContextRepository() {
    return new HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository();

This configuration sets the security context repository to use the `HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository`, which stores the security context in the user’s session.

Putting it all Together

Now that we’ve covered the individual components, let’s put them together to solve the redirect loop issue:

public class MyApplication {
  public OAuth2Filter oAuth2Filter() {
    OAuth2Filter filter = new OAuth2Filter(new CustomOAuth2AuthenticationManager());
    return filter;
  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

This configuration enables the OAuth2 filter with the custom `OAuth2AuthenticationManager` implementation, which prevents the redirect loop.


Solving the “Spring Boot OAuth2 is redirecting to IDP on each unauthorized request” issue requires a thorough understanding of the OAuth2 flow and Spring Boot’s security architecture. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the redirect loop and implement a robust OAuth2 solution for your application.

Remember to test your implementation thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected. If you encounter any issues, review the configurations and debug the flow to identify the root cause.

Additional Resources

For further reading, I recommend the following resources:

By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the redirect loop issue and implement a robust OAuth2 solution for your Spring Boot application.

Keyword Frequency
Spring Boot OAuth2 5
OAuth2 Filter 2
Security Context 2
Session Management 1

Note: The table above shows the frequency of the keyword “Spring Boot OAuth2” and related terms in the article.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on Spring Boot OAuth2 redirecting to IDP on each unauthorized request!

Why does Spring Boot OAuth2 redirect to IDP on each unauthorized request?

When OAuth2 is configured to use an external Identity Provider (IDP), Spring Boot will redirect to the IDP for authentication on each unauthorized request. This is because the OAuth2 filter is triggered on each request, and since the request is unauthorized, it will redirect to the IDP to obtain an access token.

Can I customize the redirect behavior in Spring Boot OAuth2?

Yes, you can customize the redirect behavior in Spring Boot OAuth2 by implementing a custom `AuthenticationEntryPoint` or by providing a custom `OAuth2AuthorizedGrantTypesConfigurer`. This allows you to specify the redirect URI, error pages, and other authentication flow-related settings.

How do I configure OAuth2 in Spring Boot to avoid multiple redirects?

To avoid multiple redirects, you can configure OAuth2 in Spring Boot by setting the `redirectUri` property to a fixed value, such as `/login`, and configuring the `authorization-request-repository` to store the authorization request. This way, the redirect will only occur once, and subsequent unauthorized requests will be handled internally.

Is there a way to cache the OAuth2 token in Spring Boot?

Yes, you can cache the OAuth2 token in Spring Boot by using a token storage solution, such as a `TokenStore` or a `OAuth2AccessTokenCache`. This allows you to store the access token locally and reuse it for subsequent requests, reducing the number of redirects to the IDP.

What are the security implications of redirecting to IDP on each unauthorized request?

Redirecting to the IDP on each unauthorized request can introduce security risks, such as CSRF vulnerabilities and potential Denial-of-Service attacks. To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to implement proper security measures, such as validating the redirect URI and using secure protocols (HTTPS) for communication with the IDP.

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