Regex: Find matches only outside of single quotes
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Regex: Find matches only outside of single quotes

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Regex, the versatile and powerful pattern-matching language, is a crucial tool for any developer, data analyst, or data scientist. One of the most common challenges when working with regex is selecting matches that fall outside of specific delimiters. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of regex and explore how to find matches only outside of single quotes.

Understanding Delimiters

Delimiters are special characters that separate or mark the boundaries of a sequence of characters. In our case, we’re dealing with single quotes (‘) as delimiters. When working with regex, it’s essential to distinguish between characters that are part of the delimiter and those that are not.

The Problem: Matching Inside and Outside of Single Quotes

Let’s consider a simple example. Suppose we have a string with single quotes used to enclose specific values:

'hello', 'world', foo, 'bar'

We want to find all occurrences of the word “foo” only outside of single quotes. In this case, the word “foo” appears twice: once inside a single quote (‘foo’) and once outside (‘foo’). Our regex pattern should match only the second occurrence.

The Solution: Using Negative Lookahead and Lookbehind

Regex provides two essential constructs for this problem: negative lookahead and lookbehind assertions.

Negative Lookahead: (?!(?:(?!’).)*’)

The negative lookahead assertion `(?!(?:(?!’).)*’)` is used to ensure that the match is not followed by a single quote. Here’s a breakdown of this complex pattern:

  • `(?!)` : Negative lookahead assertion, ensuring that the match is not followed by the specified pattern.
  • `(?:(?!’).)*` : This part of the pattern matches any characters (including none) that are not followed by a single quote. The `(?!’)` is a negative lookahead that checks if the next character is not a single quote. The `*` quantifier matches zero or more occurrences.
  • `’` : Finally, the pattern matches a single quote, but only if it’s not part of the original match.

Negative Lookbehind: (?<!(?:^|,)'(?:(?!').)*')

The negative lookbehind assertion `(?<!(?:^|,)'(?:(?!').)*')` is used to ensure that the match is not preceded by a single quote. Here's a breakdown of this complex pattern:

  • `(?<=!)` : Negative lookbehind assertion, ensuring that the match is not preceded by the specified pattern.
  • `(?:^|,)` : This part of the pattern matches either the start of the string (`^`) or a comma (`,`), which are the valid characters that can precede the match.
  • `'(?:(?!’).)*’` : This part of the pattern is similar to the negative lookahead assertion, ensuring that the match is not part of a single-quoted string.

Putting it all Together

Now that we have our negative lookahead and lookbehind assertions, let’s combine them to create a regex pattern that matches “foo” only outside of single quotes:


This pattern uses both negative lookahead and lookbehind assertions to ensure that the match “foo” is not part of a single-quoted string.

Example Walkthrough

Let’s apply this regex pattern to our original example string:

'hello', 'world', foo, 'bar'

The regex engine will match the “foo” outside of the single quotes, but not the “foo” inside the single quotes. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the match:

Pattern Match
(?!(?:(?!’).)*’) Ensures that “foo” is not followed by a single quote
(foo) Matches the literal string “foo”
(?!(?:(?!’).)*) Ensures that “foo” is not preceded by a single quote


In this article, we’ve explored the power of regex to match patterns only outside of single quotes. By combining negative lookahead and lookbehind assertions, we can create complex patterns that target specific matches while excluding others. Remember to adapt this approach to your specific use cases, and you’ll be extracting data like a pro!

Regex Patterns for Different Delimiters

If you need to match patterns outside of different delimiters, you can modify the regex patterns accordingly. Here are some examples:

/* Double quotes */

/* Square brackets */

/* Parentheses */

Remember to replace `pattern` with your desired match.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: Can I use this regex pattern with other programming languages?

    A: Yes, the regex pattern is language-agnostic, but you may need to adjust the syntax or modifiers depending on your programming language.

  2. Q: How do I match patterns inside single quotes?

    A: Simply remove the negative lookahead and lookbehind assertions, and use a pattern like `(foo)(?=’)` to match “foo” followed by a single quote.

  3. Q: What if I have nested single quotes?

    A: Handling nested single quotes requires a more advanced regex pattern or a parser. You may need to use a regex flavor that supports recursion or balancing groups.

By mastering the art of regex, you’ll be able to tackle complex text processing tasks with ease. Remember to practice and experiment with different patterns to become a regex ninja!

Frequently Asked Question

Do you have questions about using regex to find matches only outside of single quotes? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

How do I match a pattern only outside of single quotes in regex?

You can use a negated character class and a regex pattern to achieve this. The pattern would look something like this: `[^’]+|(?<=(?:^|[^']))(your_pattern_here)(?=(?:$|[^']))`. This pattern matches one or more characters that are not single quotes, or matches your desired pattern if it's not enclosed in single quotes.

What does the `[^’]+` part of the regex pattern do?

The `[^’]+` part of the pattern is a negated character class that matches one or more characters that are not single quotes. This is used to match any characters outside of single quotes, effectively skipping over any text that’s enclosed in single quotes.

How does the `(?<=(?:^|[^']))` part of the regex pattern work?

This part of the pattern is a positive lookbehind assertion that ensures the match is preceded by either the start of the string (`^`) or a character that’s not a single quote (`[^’]`). This ensures that the match is not part of a single-quoted string.

What about the `(?=(?:$|[^’]))` part of the regex pattern?

This part of the pattern is a positive lookahead assertion that ensures the match is followed by either the end of the string (`$`) or a character that’s not a single quote (`[^’]`). This ensures that the match is not part of a single-quoted string.

Can I use this regex pattern with any programming language?

Almost! This regex pattern should work with most programming languages that support regex, including Java, Python, JavaScript, and many others. However, be aware that some languages may have slightly different regex syntax or features, so you may need to adjust the pattern accordingly.