Unlock the Power of STD Handles: Reading & Writing to Other Process’s STD Handles in Python
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Unlock the Power of STD Handles: Reading & Writing to Other Process’s STD Handles in Python

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Welcome to the world of inter-process communication! In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to explore the mystical realm of STD handles, where we’ll learn how to read and write to other process’s STD handles in Python.

What are STD Handles?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and understand what STD handles are. In Unix-like systems, STD handles refer to the standard input, output, and error streams. These streams are the three primary communication channels between a process and its environment. STDIN (standard input) is where a process receives input, STDOUT (standard output) is where a process sends its output, and STDERR (standard error) is where a process sends its error messages.

The Importance of STD Handles in Inter-Process Communication

In inter-process communication, STD handles play a crucial role in enabling processes to exchange data. By reading and writing to each other’s STD handles, processes can communicate and synchronize their actions. This is particularly useful in scenarios where multiple processes need to work together to achieve a common goal.

Why Reading & Writing to Other Process’s STD Handles is Useful

So, why would we want to read and write to another process’s STD handles? Here are a few scenarios where this can be useful:

  • Pipeline Processing: Imagine a scenario where you have multiple processes that need to process a large dataset. By writing the output of one process to the STDIN of another process, you can create a pipeline that processes the data in a sequential manner.
  • Automatic Testing: When testing your application, you can write to the STDIN of a process to simulate user input, and then read from the STDOUT to verify the output.
  • Debugging: By reading from the STDERR of a process, you can debug your application and identify errors that occur during execution.

Reading from Another Process’s STD Handles in Python

Now that we’ve established the importance of reading and writing to other process’s STD handles, let’s get our hands dirty with some Python code! To read from another process’s STD handles, we’ll use the subprocess module.

import subprocess

# Create a new process
process = subprocess.Popen(['python', '-c', 'print("Hello, World!")'], 

# Read from the process's STDOUT
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

print(stdout.decode('utf-8'))  # Output: Hello, World!

In the above code, we create a new process that runs a Python script that prints “Hello, World!” to its STDOUT. We then use the communicate() method to read from the process’s STDOUT and STDERR streams.

Reading from STDIN

To read from another process’s STDIN, we can use the stdin attribute of the Popen object.

import subprocess

# Create a new process
process = subprocess.Popen(['python', '-c', 'input("Enter your name: ")'], 

# Write to the process's STDIN
process.stdin.write(b'John Doe\n')

# Read from the process's STDOUT
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

print(stdout.decode('utf-8'))  # Output: John Doe

In this example, we create a new process that waits for user input using the input() function. We then write to the process’s STDIN using the stdin.write() method, and read from the process’s STDOUT using the communicate() method.

Writing to Another Process’s STD Handles in Python

Now that we’ve learned how to read from another process’s STD handles, let’s explore how to write to them! To write to another process’s STD handles, we’ll use the subprocess module once again.

Writing to STDOUT

To write to another process’s STDOUT, we can use the stdout attribute of the Popen object.

import subprocess

# Create a new process
process = subprocess.Popen(['python', '-c', 'import sys; sys.stdout.write("Hello, World!")'], 

# Read from the process's STDOUT
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

print(stdout.decode('utf-8'))  # Output: Hello, World!

In this example, we create a new process that writes “Hello, World!” to its STDOUT using the sys.stdout.write() method.

Writing to STDERR

To write to another process’s STDERR, we can use the stderr attribute of the Popen object.

import subprocess

# Create a new process
process = subprocess.Popen(['python', '-c', 'import sys; sys.stderr.write("Error: Something went wrong!")'], 

# Read from the process's STDERR
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

print(stderr.decode('utf-8'))  # Output: Error: Something went wrong!

In this example, we create a new process that writes an error message to its STDERR using the sys.stderr.write() method.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

When working with STD handles, there are a few common pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Buffering Issues: When reading or writing to STD handles, make sure to flush the buffers regularly to avoid data loss or corruption.
  • Deadlocks: Be careful not to create deadlocks by writing to a process’s STDIN while reading from its STDOUT, and vice versa.
  • Error Handling: Always handle errors and exceptions when working with STD handles to avoid unexpected behavior.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your Python applications communicate effectively with other processes and avoid common pitfalls.


In this article, we’ve explored the mystical realm of STD handles, learning how to read and write to other process’s STD handles in Python. We’ve covered the importance of STD handles in inter-process communication, and demonstrated how to read and write to STD handles using the subprocess module.

By mastering the art of STD handle manipulation, you’ll be able to create powerful and flexible Python applications that can communicate and synchronize with other processes. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and start building amazing things!

STD Handle Description
STDIN Standard Input stream
STDOUT Standard Output stream
STDERR Standard Error stream

We hope you enjoyed this article! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the lowdown on reading and writing other process’s STD handles in Python!

Q1: What is STD handle in Python?

In Python, a STD handle refers to the standard input, output, or error stream of a process. These handles are represented by file descriptors (0 for STDIN, 1 for STDOUT, and 2 for STDERR) and are used to communicate with the process.

Q2: Why would I want to read or write to another process’s STD handle in Python?

You might want to read or write to another process’s STD handle in Python to interact with the process, such as sending input to the process or capturing its output. This can be useful for automating tasks, testing, or even creating a GUI for a command-line tool.

Q3: How do I read from another process’s STD handle in Python?

To read from another process’s STD handle in Python, you can use the `subprocess` module and create a pipe for the process’s STDOUT or STDERR. Then, you can read from the pipe using the `read()` or `readline()` method.

Q4: How do I write to another process’s STD handle in Python?

To write to another process’s STD handle in Python, you can use the `subprocess` module and create a pipe for the process’s STDIN. Then, you can write to the pipe using the `write()` or `writelines()` method.

Q5: Are there any security considerations when reading or writing to another process’s STD handle in Python?

Yes, there are security considerations when reading or writing to another process’s STD handle in Python. Make sure to validate and sanitize any input you send to the process, and be mindful of potential vulnerabilities like buffer overflows or command injection.

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