Vim exhibits more delay in the terminal of system compared to the terminal in VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA: Unraveling the Mystery
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Vim exhibits more delay in the terminal of system compared to the terminal in VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA: Unraveling the Mystery

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If you’re a developer who swears by Vim, you might have noticed that it exhibits a peculiar delay when used in the terminal of your system compared to when used in integrated development environments like VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA. This delay can be frustrating, especially when you’re in the zone and want to get things done quickly. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the reasons behind this delay and provide you with actionable solutions to overcome it.

What causes the delay in Vim?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first understand what causes the delay in Vim. There are several reasons that contribute to this delay, including:

  • Terminal Emulation : Vim uses a terminal emulation to render the user interface, which can cause a delay. This emulation layer adds an extra layer of complexity, leading to slower performance.
  • Redrawing the Screen : Vim has to redraw the entire screen for every keystroke, which can be computationally expensive. This process involves rendering the buffer, syntax highlighting, and other visual elements, which can cause a delay.
  • Syntax Highlighting : Syntax highlighting is a computationally intensive process that can cause a delay, especially for large files.
  • Plugin Overload : Having too many plugins installed can slow down Vim. Plugins can add functionality, but they can also consume system resources and cause delays.

Why doesn’t this delay occur in VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA?

So, why doesn’t this delay occur in VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA? The answer lies in the architecture of these integrated development environments. Unlike Vim, which uses a terminal emulation, VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA use a native GUI rendering engine. This engine is optimized for performance and doesn’t require the same level of computational resources as terminal emulation.

In addition, VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA have optimized their editors to handle large files and complex syntax highlighting more efficiently. They also have built-in support for multiple cursors, which can reduce the delay caused by redrawing the screen.

Solutions to Overcome the Delay in Vim

Now that we’ve understood the reasons behind the delay, let’s explore some solutions to overcome it:

Optimize Your Vim Configuration

One of the easiest ways to optimize Vim is to tweak your configuration file (~/.vimrc). Here are some settings that can help:

:set lazyredraw
:set synmaxcol=100
:set nocursorline
:set background=dark
:set termguicolors

These settings can help improve performance by:

  • Delaying the redrawing of the screen until necessary (lazyredraw)
  • Limiting the number of columns used for syntax highlighting (synmaxcol)
  • Disabling cursorline highlighting (nocursorline)
  • Using a dark background to reduce visual noise (background)
  • Enabling true color support (termguicolors)

Use a Faster Terminal Emulator

If you’re using a slow terminal emulator, it can contribute to the delay. Consider switching to a faster terminal emulator like:

  • Alacritty: A GPU-accelerated terminal emulator that’s highly customizable.
  • Kitty: A fast and feature-rich terminal emulator that’s highly extensible.

Disable Unnecessary Plugins

Having too many plugins installed can slow down Vim. Review your plugin list and disable any plugins that you don’t use regularly. You can use the following command to list all installed plugins:

:lua require('vim.plugin').list()

Use Asynchronous Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting can be computationally expensive, especially for large files. Consider using asynchronous syntax highlighting plugins like:

  • vim-async: A plugin that provides asynchronous syntax highlighting.
  • vim-lsp: A plugin that provides language server protocol support, which can offload syntax highlighting to a separate process.

Use a Fast Syntax Highlighter

Some syntax highlighters are faster than others. Consider using a fast syntax highlighter like:

  • Tree-sitter: A fast and lightweight syntax highlighter that uses a tree-based data structure.

Use a Faster Font

The font you use can affect performance. Consider using a faster font like:

  • FiraCode: A monospaced font that’s optimized for performance.

Benchmarking Vim Performance

To measure the performance of Vim, you can use the following benchmarking tools:

  • vim-benchmark: A plugin that provides a set of benchmarks to measure Vim performance.
  • benchmark.vim: A Vim script that provides a set of benchmarks to measure Vim performance.

These tools can help you identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your Vim configuration accordingly.


Vim is an incredibly powerful text editor, but it can exhibit a delay in the terminal of your system compared to integrated development environments like VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA. By understanding the reasons behind this delay and implementing the solutions outlined in this article, you can optimize Vim’s performance and make it a more enjoyable experience.

Remember, the key to optimizing Vim is to understand how it works and tailor your configuration to your specific workflow. Experiment with different settings, plugins, and workflows to find what works best for you.

Solution Description
Optimize Vim Configuration Tweak your Vim configuration file to improve performance.
Use a Faster Terminal Emulator Switch to a faster terminal emulator to reduce delay.
Disable Unnecessary Plugins Review your plugin list and disable any plugins that you don’t use regularly.
Use Asynchronous Syntax Highlighting Use plugins that provide asynchronous syntax highlighting to improve performance.
Use a Fast Syntax Highlighter Use a fast syntax highlighter like Tree-sitter to improve performance.
Use a Faster Font Use a faster font like FiraCode to improve performance.

By implementing these solutions, you can overcome the delay in Vim and make it a more enjoyable experience. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling with Vim’s sluggish performance in your system’s terminal compared to VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA? We’ve got you covered!

Why does Vim exhibit more delay in my system’s terminal compared to VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA?

Vim’s delayed response in your system’s terminal might be due to the different rendering engines used. VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA utilize their own rendering engines, which are optimized for performance, whereas Vim relies on the terminal emulator’s rendering, which can lead to slower performance.

Is it possible to improve Vim’s performance in my system’s terminal?

Yes, you can optimize Vim’s performance by tweaking your terminal emulator’s settings, such as increasing the scrollback buffer size, disabling unnecessary features, and using a faster terminal emulator like Alacritty or Terminator. Additionally, you can also experiment with Vim’s settings, like setting `lazyredraw` or `synmaxcol` to reduce rendering overhead.

Can I use a different terminal emulator to improve Vim’s performance?

Absolutely! Switching to a faster terminal emulator can significantly improve Vim’s performance. Alacritty, Terminator, and Kitty are popular alternatives that are known for their speed and low latency. You can also explore other terminal emulators like Konsole, GNOME Terminal, or XFCE Terminal to find the one that works best for you.

How can I profile Vim’s performance to identify bottlenecks?

You can use Vim’s built-in `–startuptime` flag to profile Vim’s startup performance. This will provide you with a detailed report on the time spent on various initialization tasks, helping you identify potential bottlenecks. Additionally, you can use tools like `vimspector` or `vim-profiler` to gain insights into Vim’s performance during runtime.

Are there any Vim plugins that can help improve performance?

Yes, there are several Vim plugins designed to improve performance. For instance, `vim-async` allows asynchronous execution of tasks, `vim-quickrun` provides a faster way to run commands, and `vim- lua-async` enables asynchronous execution of Lua scripts. These plugins can help reduce latency and improve overall responsiveness in Vim.

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