Demystifying Nested Cross-Validation: Uncovering the Mystery of summary() and train_summary() in R
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Demystifying Nested Cross-Validation: Uncovering the Mystery of summary() and train_summary() in R

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering what’s the difference between calling summary() and train_summary() on a nestcv.train object in R? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of nested cross-validation, exploring the intricacies of these two seemingly similar functions. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to confidently navigate the nestcv package and make the most of your machine learning endeavors.

nestedcv: A Brief Introduction

The nestcv package in R is designed to facilitate nested cross-validation, a robust method for model evaluation and hyperparameter tuning. Nested cross-validation involves two loops: an inner loop for hyperparameter tuning and an outer loop for model evaluation. This approach helps to avoid overestimation of performance metrics, providing a more accurate assessment of your model’s capabilities.

The nestcv.train Object

When using the nestcv package, you’ll typically create a nestcv.train object, which contains the results of the nested cross-validation process. This object is the central hub for extracting insights and summarizing the performance of your model. And that’s where our heroes, summary() and train_summary(), come into play.

summary(): The Overview Oracle

The summary() function is a versatile and powerful tool for extracting a concise overview of your nestcv.train object. When called, it provides a summary of the model’s performance across all iterations of the outer loop. This includes:

  • Mean and standard deviation of the performance metric (e.g., accuracy, F1 score, etc.)
  • Number of iterations in the outer loop
  • Number of tuning parameters and their corresponding values

# Create a nestcv.train object
nest_obj <- nestcv.train(...)

# Call summary() on the nestcv.train object

The output will resemble the following:

     Performance Metric Summary:
     Mean: 0.85
     SD: 0.05
     Number of Outer Loop Iterations: 5
     Number of Tuning Parameters: 2
     Tuning Parameters:
     Param1: [0.1, 0.5, 1]
     Param2: [10, 50, 100]

train_summary(): The Training Triumph

In contrast, the train_summary() function is specifically designed to provide a detailed summary of the model’s performance during the training process. When called, it returns a comprehensive overview of the inner loop, including:

  • Mean and standard deviation of the performance metric for each hyperparameter combination
  • Number of iterations in the inner loop
  • Best-performing hyperparameter combination and its corresponding performance metric

# Create a nestcv.train object
nest_obj <- nestcv.train(...)

# Call train_summary() on the nestcv.train object

The output will resemble the following:

     Training Summary:
     Hyperparameter Combinations:
     | Param1 | Param2 | Mean Perf. Metric | SD Perf. Metric |
     | 0.1   | 10    | 0.80           | 0.03           |
     | 0.5   | 50    | 0.82           | 0.04           |
     | 1     | 100   | 0.85           | 0.05           |
     Best-Performing Hyperparameters:
     Param1: 0.5
     Param2: 50
     Best Perf. Metric: 0.85

A Tale of Two Functions: Key Differences

So, what’s the main difference between summary() and train_summary()? In a nutshell:

  • summary() provides a high-level overview of the model’s performance across all outer loop iterations, focusing on the overall performance and hyperparameter tuning.
  • train_summary() delves deeper, offering a detailed summary of the inner loop, focusing on the training process and hyperparameter combinations.

In other words, summary() gives you a bird’s-eye view, while train_summary() provides a microscopic examination of the training process.

Best Practices: When to Use Each

Here are some guidelines on when to use each function:


  • Use when you want a quick overview of the model’s performance and hyperparameter tuning.
  • Ideal for model selection, comparing different models, or evaluating the overall performance of your model.


  • Use when you want to dive deeper into the training process and explore the effects of different hyperparameter combinations.
  • Perfect for hyperparameter tuning, identifying optimal parameters, or understanding how the model responds to different settings.


In conclusion, the summary() and train_summary() functions in the nestcv package are powerful tools for extracting insights from your nested cross-validation results. By understanding the differences between these two functions, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of model evaluation and hyperparameter tuning. Remember, summary() provides a high-level overview, while train_summary() offers a detailed examination of the training process. With this knowledge, you’ll be well on your way to creating more accurate and efficient machine learning models.

Function Description
summary() Provides a concise overview of the model’s performance across all outer loop iterations.
train_summary() Offers a detailed summary of the inner loop, focusing on the training process and hyperparameter combinations.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of nested cross-validation with confidence! If you have any further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on the nestedcv package in R!

What’s the deal with calling summary() vs train_summary() on a nestcv.train object?

When you call summary() on a nestcv.train object, you’ll get a summary of the entire nested cross-validation procedure, including the outer and inner loop results. On the other hand, train_summary() specifically provides a summary of the training process, focusing on the performance metrics of the model. So, if you want the whole shebang, go with summary(); if you’re only interested in training performance, train_summary() is your friend!

Why do I need train_summary() if I already have summary()?

Think of train_summary() as a more specialized version of summary(). While summary() gives you a broad overview, train_summary() zooms in on the training process, providing more detailed information about the model’s performance during training. This can be super helpful for model tuning and optimization. Plus, it’s just more convenient to have a dedicated function for training performance metrics, rather than having to fish them out from the summary() output!

Can I use train_summary() for other types of objects in nestedcv?

Nope! train_summary() is specifically designed for nestcv.train objects, which are the result of a nested cross-validation procedure. If you try to use it with other types of objects, you’ll likely get an error. Stick to using it with nestcv.train objects, and you’ll be golden!

What kind of information does train_summary() provide?

Ah-ha! train_summary() gives you a treasure trove of training performance metrics, including the mean and standard deviation of the model’s performance across different folds, as well as the best and worst performing folds. This is super useful for getting a sense of how stable your model is and identifying potential issues. You’ll get metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and more, depending on the type of problem you’re working on!

Is there a way to customize the output of train_summary()?

You bet! While train_summary() provides a standard set of performance metrics, you can customize the output by using the metrics argument. This allows you to specify which metrics you want to include or exclude from the summary. You can also use the digits argument to control the number of decimal places displayed for each metric. Just remember to check the nestedcv package documentation for the full scoop on customization options!